
Gun Trusts: A Way to Avoid Unknown and Unintended Risks

America leads the world in gun ownership per capita with 90 guns existing per 100 residents. According to the Pew Research Center, 40% of individuals age 65+ own at least one gun. Some of the guns that are owned are classified as “Title II Firearms” and are regulated by the National Firearm …

What Should I Do With My Old 401(k)?

Your first step should be to talk to Human Resources at your old job, as well as your new job, to get individual information on what each plan allows. Once you know what you can and cannot do, you can follow one of the following steps.

The Too-Good-To-Be-True Dividend

Published by Brett Carson We’ve all heard the saying, “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” That’s how I feel about high yielding investments in this ultra-low rate environment. Just recently, my father asked me to look into a stock that was trading at nearly a 19% dividend yield t …

Disability Insurance

What if the unexpected were to happen and suddenly, you were no longer able to work? What if unanticipated illness or injury were to impede your ability to provide for you and your family? Not only would you have the stress of affording everyday living expenses, but you may also have to pla …

Qualified vs. Non-Qualified – I Don’t Get It?!

Published by Teresa Milner If you’ve ever engaged in a conversation about retirement and you heard the terminology of qualified vs. non-qualified but you had no clue what that meant – know you’re not alone! The following is a basic explanation of the difference:

Life Insurance

How would your family survive if you were to unexpectedly pass? Would their standard of living and quality of life diminish? Who would generate the shortfall in income if you were no longer around to earning a living? Will your loved ones be able to afford all the costs associated with your …

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